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Tourism strategies for heritage management

The Catholic University of Manizales UCM aims to raise its academic offer in order to interact in global contexts through the use of English as a foreign language. In tourism academic fields it is possible to find strategies and actions focused on protection, use and promotion of cultural heritages. Also, English language is a cultural competence for interacting in the professional global stage. With this MOOCS, professionals related with tourism, culture, heritage and related professions will be able to propose touristic strategies for heritage management. Participants can interact with different topics and disciplinary contents, texts, exercises, and resources to be applied on glocal situations and national, regional and global reflections. Around the world many different cultural expressions are included on global, national and local heritage lists, this inclusion implies strategies for its protection and promotion, and one very healthy strategy is tourism. In consequence, many physical expressions of heritage are integrated, used and promoted as touristic resources. This course gets a structured vision on heritage management with emphasis on strategies for tourism.
Professional in Cultural and Communicative Management, Master’s degree in Business Administration, Professor in touristic business management, and Quality Management studies, both courses in the Administration Faculty at Catholic University of Manizales; experience related to heritage research in Caldas, management and cultural planning and environmental projects.
Students or professionals with previous knowledge about culture, heritage, tourism and administration, these combinations provide a framework with humanistic knowledge, and interest to improve skills related to heritage interpretations, uses and creation of administrative structures supported on touristic strategies.
The Catholic University of Manizales UCM aims to raise its academic offer in order to interact in global contexts through the use of English as a foreign language. In tourism academic fields it is possible to find strategies and actions focused on protection, use and promotion of cultural heritages. Also, English language is a cultural competence for interacting in the professional global stage. With this MOOCS, professionals related with tourism, culture, heritage and related professions will be able to propose touristic strategies for heritage management. Participants can interact with different topics and disciplinary contents, texts, exercises, and resources to be applied on glocal situations and national, regional and global reflections. Around the world many different cultural expressions are included on global, national and local heritage lists, this inclusion implies strategies for its protection and promotion, and one very healthy strategy is tourism. In consequence, many physical expressions of heritage are integrated, used and promoted as touristic resources. This course gets a structured vision on heritage management with emphasis on strategies for tourism.
Hello, I’m Erik Marcelo Sepúlveda, Cultural and Communicative manager, and business administrator, and this mooc is called Tourism Strategies for Heritage Management Main Interest Did you know that more than half of the world heritages include touristic management strategies in their sustainability plans?; In addition, cultural tourists travel around the world looking for representative heritages and local manifestations in each visited city. Nowadays, heritage and tourism have a close relationship, because many tourists are motivated by heritage and a lot of cultural expressions could be protected for their touristic interest. This relation implies collaborative work for different public and private organizations from educative, institutional and productive sectors Audience This course is designed for professionals and students with a basic pre-knowledge over heritage. This course is useful for touristic managers and agencies, cultural managers, government professionals with the interest of managing public heritage, and other social professionals mainly. During our sessions, you will learn different administrative strategies with an emphasis on how to create a touristic management structure that recognizes heritage values and specific characteristics for culture. To promote heritage, a knowledge framework is needed to support all the use and management possibilities with a clear definition of what is supposed to be preserved, Who is responsible and what they are looking for. Development This MOOC is designed in 4 UNITS and students interact through media resources with different heritage frameworks around the world such as UNESCO and local frameworks in different countries. The first part of the course describes the heritage management structure, and the second part is focused on touristic management strategies and what elements we need to know to contribute from tourism to heritage and culture. Promise At the end of this course, participants will recognize different kinds of heritages, their characteristics, and state of conservation. These recognitions will support the design of management plans for protection and promotion, adapted for each condition overall; involving touristic activities in different ways to increase value, tourism sustainability, tourist experience, and local development.