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Global English-mediated

Classroom Foundations

This MOOC has the future EMI professors in mind. It seeks to train teachers to start thinking of their EMI classroom by providing them with reflection topics on their class environment, activities they can adapt into their lessons and digital tools they can use to make their lessons appealing, uptodate and dynamic.

Professional educators who want to include EMI (English as a medium of instruction), CLIL (Content and language integrated learning) into their courses. Professors taking this course must have a B1+ English level.

By the end of this 4-week course, teachers taking it will be able to understand the basics of running and EMI (English as a medium of instruction) classroom. You will know some digital learning tools to use and how to use them, and will mainly reflect on your roles as educators in the updated classroom

Professors taking this course are expected to study the basic concepts to be elaborated on our synchronous course Collaborative Teaching Community for a Global-English Mediated Classroom later on this year.

Estimado estudiante, la formación en la Plataforma UCM CONECTA – MOOC, se desarrolla bajo la modalidad virtual masiva y abierta, en un ambiente de aprendizaje virtual que te permite interactuar con los contenidos, desarrollar trabajo autónomo y apropiar las temáticas de manera didáctica y participativa.

Los MOOC se desarrollan por temáticas a través de semanas, generando una experiencia progresiva de aprendizaje desde la visualización y exploración de los contenidos, donde podrás observar tu avance en la barra de progreso, al dar clic en la medida que completas cada actividad.

Los MOOC se aprueban al lograr un avance del 100% y un porcentaje del proceso evaluativo de mínimo el 80%.