

UCM CONECTA - MOOC is the open online training platform of the Catholic University of Manizales. Created in the year 2022. From the UCM CONECTA - MOOC platform, anyone will be able to expand their knowledge and be trained in various subjects through a self-directed process, oriented to meaningful learning, allowing learning at their own pace, from anywhere and at any time. Access and learn what you want, without barriers, come to be what you want to be!


UCM CONECTA - MOOC is the open online training platform of the Catholic University of Manizales. Created in the year 2022. From the UCM CONECTA - MOOC platform, anyone will be able to expand their knowledge and be trained in various subjects through a self-directed process, oriented to meaningful learning, allowing learning at their own pace, from anywhere and at any time. Access and learn what you want, without barriers, come to be what you want to be!