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  • #26382

    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    – Subject assigned: Communication and media 6

    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    – Personal Branding (mainly academic)

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    – Students need a basic understanding of the topic about design mainly in subjects related to Architecture and Graphic Digital Design. In that way, students will approach the content in a more accurate and familiar maner, indentifying vocabulary words that they use in a daily basis. The visual aids are impreative while you are learning about design principle, therefore, using technology, specialized software and video/audio resources such as tutorials on the platform are quite useful to show the class, they have resources to learn pronuanciation as well as vocabulary while learning about the subject.

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    First fo all, learning the vocabulary in English, I hope they can connect the words with the application in a design project. As a result, they will be able to start working on their own in the following excercises more confident and precise. They also will expand the resource panorama searching for similar content in video, wrtting or audio format. Finally they will produce the final result appliying the technique to solve de design problem.

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    This course gives students insigths about the professional business practice they will endure in the following semester. The real case of study is to be prepare for the labour market and to develop resources and skills for real situations such as interviews, curriculum and portfolios. It is a wonderful opportunity to shine above the competition ouside the university, also it is a perfect opportunity to test their communication and writting skils.


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before..
    The topic is strength of materials.
    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    Game based learning.
    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson?
    Students will need basic english,also vocabulary related to learning and games. And desire to play to adapt some games to content applicable in a classroom.
    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    I would expect them to analyze different games and ways to adapt them to goal of learning and then students design their own game.
    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    At the moment, they play a board game at home. Remember that games are part of the culture.


    – Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    Soil mechanics.

    – Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    Civil engineering problems related to mechanical soil behaviour.

    – What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson (COMMUNICATION).
    They’d need to use understanding skills associated with listening, interpretation of images and speaking skills to participate or give their opinions about what they are seeing in pictures.

    – What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    I’d expect they would be aware how important soil mechanics is in understanding a lot of common civil engineering problems.

    – What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    The topic shows students what are the most common problems related to mechanical soil behaviour through images, so they will understand the possible causes and consequences of a problem when they have the opportunity to see it in real life and they will be able to understand how that problem affects the community.


    •Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    Architectural Design 6
    •Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    How to approach an architecture project
    •What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    They need to handle technical and common language for the foundation of their project
    •What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Students must be able to develop design proposals based on theory an practice
    •What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    The subject is linked to the reality of the architect on a day-to-day, where design proposals based on practical and theorical elements are developed to provide solutions to real needs.


    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    A new subject: trading in the forex market: currencies and criptocurrencies

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    Students need to understand current news, describe the market, identify patterns and make predictions

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Understand the elements of the market, fundamental analysis and technical anaylisis of the markets.

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    The currenciy/criptocurrency market unfolds in the socioeconomic contexts of the local and global economy. There are a lot of internal and external factors which influence the market behavior that students need to be aware of and take into account in order to understand it and trade effectively.


    In my class teach about cultural landscapes, in this course, one of the mainly topics is about ecological services (Content) to learn this topics students need specific language related to four categories established by United Nations to describe what specific services been provided by nature in general (communication), So, for students could been confuse at the begginning recognize the diference between provisión, suppor, regulation and culture, but if the recibe some basisi examples is more easy to them, for example, provisión = food / Regulatión = rivers level / Culture = inspiration / etc (cognition). So if we compare or contrast the concept over examples and contrasts about urban and rural life and practices, or in local and global actions for example in the farmers life in other countries, this kind of cultural references are usefull to explain the topic of ecological servcices related to cultural landscapes theory

    Doris Michel

    *Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    – Public International Law.

    *Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    – International organizations as atypical subjects.

    *What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    – Students require a basic level of English as well as vocabulary management.

    *What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    – First, I hope that you will understand the difference between states and international organizations as members of the international community and that you will identify the characteristics that make up the latter.

    *What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    – Through the simulation of an assembly to dialogue on an international problem in which each student represents a member country of the organization.


    1. Think of a subject you are teaching or have taught before.
    – Soft diet for gastroesophageal reflux disease

    2. Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    Soft diet characteristics: dietary management to help to minimize the gastric symptoms and to avoid foods that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.

    3. What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    They require a basic level of English and vocabulary related to nutrition as food and cooking methods.
    They’d also need skills to share their opinion, participate describing images and pictures and finally they need skills to follow a recipe.
    4. What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Students must be able to develop identify the diet modifications to decrease or eliminate foods that cause symptoms; also, they should identify those diseases that use this diet as part of the treatment, and finally to share general recommendations for basic lifestyle changes and diet characteristics for treating this kind of diseases.
    5. What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    Students would be able to share cooking techniques and use right ingredients adapted form Mexican diet to the disease, and to introduce foods from other cultures that are available in Mexican market, but always considering the unique patient environments, economics, cultural traditions.


    • Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    Social Media Marketing

    • Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language

    Digital content

    • What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson?

    Refers to create digital content: online system, images, applications, audience, edition, recording, sound, copywriters, graphic design tool, appliances, gaps among others.

    • What would you expect your students to do with the topic?

    1. Identify a client’s needs to improve a marketing issue.
    2. Collect information about the product or idea that the client wants to improve.
    3. Create some proposals to boost the product.
    4. Inferences the audience and necessities.
    5. Develop digital content in the most useful apps.
    6. Organize a meeting to show the digital content projects to the client.
    7. Identify ways to improve taking to account client’s recommendations and proofread.
    8. Design the new concept and publish it.

    • What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation?

    Support amateur influencers or Youtubers to start with their channels, research the industry that they want to achieve, determine the audience, and help with ideas to create digital content.


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    Basic English for Architects

    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    Basic vocabulary related to the concept of sustainability (e.g. materials, methods, innovations, etc.)

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    First, they need to get familiar with the terminology. For this, they need to implement different vocabulary acquisition strategies. Also, they need to come up with some sentences, using models given by the teacher.

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    Given the current impact of sustainability in the world, it’s important to encourage students to think critically and see ways to incorporate this concept in their professional mindset. Needles to say, this also aligns with, at least, one of the SDGs.


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    International Comercialization Strategies

    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    Strategy Implementation.

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    English language focused on business.

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Read,follow and analyze the current situation, place an export plan in which they are intested to develop. Make questions about what do they need to follow and to place in a video, a presentation, podcast or proposal.

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    The student will design an export plan that includes export logistics elements, using their skills and knowledge based in a company or product that can be true as if they were on business already, either starting or developing.


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    International Comercialization Strategies

    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    Matte painting & Backgrounding for animation.

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    Technical & Art related

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Develop cool and artistic background for animation using bith 2D and 3D tools.

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    Producing a movie or animated series


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    International Business

    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    could be WTO World Trade Organizatión. and his activities

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    Students will need to understand what is the WTO, cases, Readings debates Conversations between each other to see if they agree of diferent subjects.

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    understand why we need the WTO in the international business. and that México is involved too

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    News, videos, real cases about national protection and how is WTO involved sometimes. maybe a Tryout between two countries & the WTO to see if they understand the activities he does


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before Public relations

    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT): public opinion

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION): they would have to use lenguaje related to communication studies, mass media, social media.

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION): I’d expect students to understand the importance of analyze situations related to public opinion to design good public relations strategies for brands and organizations.

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?: I’d provide them with a real public opinion study case and they would have to analyze the context that led to that situation and creat a strategy to change and improve the public opinion of that brand, organization, influencer, etc.


    Think of a subject you are teaching or have taught before.
    Food’s microbiology.

    Mention a topic that you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    Source of food contamination.

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    Common language, related to the experience they have had in the contamination of their food.

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Application of the theme as professionals who propose solutions to avoid food contamination.

    How would you frame the topic within a real life situation (CULTURE)?
    Application of the theme in their role as consumers, to protect food made at home.


    ¡!! ¡¡¡Hi, everybody!!!

    ¿Thinking of a subject I´m actually teaching?
    A/ Human Talent Managment

    About the topic I would like to teach in the English language?
    A/I would like to teach Cultural Landscape

    About what kind of language would my students need to use during the lesson?
    A/ Spanish and english languaje

    About what would I expect my students to do with the topic?
    A/ I would like they to improve their different communicative skills and improve their writing, speaking and reading topic in english cause they are studing tourism business managment, it´s very important while traveling and working here in Colombia and in other countries around the world

    About If I frame the topic within a real-life like situation?
    A/ I´m positive sure that yes!!… I would frame the topic within a real-life like situation. Of course, yes!

    Kind regards,

    María Adela Sánchez Zuluaga
    Tourism Business Managment


    ¡¡¡Hi, everybody!!!
    ¿Thinking of a subject I´m actually teaching?
    A/ Human Talent Managment

    About the topic I would like to teach in the English language?
    A/I would like to teach Cultural Landscape

    About what kind of language would my students need to use during the lesson?
    a/ Spanish and english languaje
    About what would I expect my students to do with the topic?
    A/ I would like they to improve their different communicative skills and improve their writing, speaking and reading topic in english cause they are studing tourism business managment, it´s very important while traveling and working here in Colombia and in other countries around the world
    About If I frame the topic within a real-life like situation?
    A/ I´m positive sure that yes!!
    I would frame the topic within a real-life like situation. Of course, yes!
    Kind regards,

    María Adela Sánchez Zuluaga
    Tourism Business Managment


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    Solid waste management

    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    The complexity of a Solid Waste Management System.

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    The classification of the solid waste/ Actors, Roles and responsabilities in the Solid Waste Management System.

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Not only to know the type of solid waste and the correct classification considering the type of residue, but also to identiffy the different actors, their roles and responsabilities in an integrated solid waste management system.

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    This concerns a huge implication in the culture: considerin culture as the way how people relate with the environment.


    Content + Communication + Cognition + Culture compound the magic formula to teach properly and effectively.



    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).

    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    Technical language related to chemical and biology, explaining all the concepts

    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Research about the composition, function and sources of proteins

    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    in which foods are proteins found and what are the recommended daily intakes needed


    Content: I would like to teach “Frequency Analysis of Signals” in English.

    Communication: Students need to use technical terms and terminology related to signals and systems, such as Fourier transforms, spectra, and filters, to discuss and analyze various signal types.

    Cognition: I expect students to understand the mathematical concepts and principles behind frequency analysis, apply them to solve problems, and interpret the results in the context of engineering applications.

    Culture: Frame the topic within the context of designing audio systems for a global market. Emphasize how understanding signal frequencies and their cultural implications can lead to more effective engineering solutions in a multicultural world.


    Content: I would like to teach “Frequency Analysis of Signals” in English.
    Communication: Students need to use technical terms and terminology related to signals and systems, such as Fourier transforms, spectra, and filters, to discuss and analyze various signal types.
    Cognition: I expect students to understand the mathematical concepts and principles behind frequency analysis, apply them to solve problems, and interpret the results in the context of engineering applications.
    Culture: Frame the topic within the context of designing audio systems for a global market. Emphasize how understanding signal frequencies and their cultural implications can lead to more effective engineering solutions in a multicultural world.


    Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    How to determine the most appealing way to write a story.
    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    My students would need to know some basic terms used in journalism, such as article, heading, summary, focus, 5w (what?, who?, when?, where?, why?, and how?), dateline, etc.
    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    I would expect my students to know the right way to write an interesting, appealing article.
    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    Actually, I ask my students to think in an article about some social issue they observe in their very own neighborhoods, some problems that affects their neighbors or some issues that impact their lives already or that have the potential to do it so.


    I want to focus on the topic “Religion Pluralism” since I give it in my course Third Culture Identity, and I often find it challenging:

    Communication (Language): In a lesson on religious pluralism, students would need to use language that encourages respectful and open dialogue. They should be able to articulate their thoughts and opinions in a manner that acknowledges diverse beliefs and perspectives. Language should emphasize tolerance, inclusivity, and sensitivity when discussing different religions and worldviews. Vocabulary related to religious terminology, cultural practices, and interfaith dialogue would also be important for effective communication.

    Cognition (Thinking): Students should engage in critical thinking and analysis when exploring the topic of religious pluralism. They would be expected to compare and contrast different religious beliefs and practices, identify commonalities and differences, and assess the impact of religious pluralism on society. Critical thinking exercises may include evaluating case studies, discussing historical events, and considering the ethical and moral implications of religious diversity. Students should also reflect on their own beliefs and biases to develop a deeper understanding of pluralism.

    Culture (Real-Life Situation): To frame the topic within a real-life situation and culture, students can explore scenarios where religious pluralism plays a significant role. For example, we might discuss how religious diversity influences community dynamics, workplace environments, or global diplomacy. You could examine case studies of countries or cities known for their religious diversity and explore how this diversity is managed and celebrated. Additionally, inviting guest speakers from various religious backgrounds or organizing visits to places of worship can provide students with firsthand cultural experiences related to religious pluralism. This real-world context can help students appreciate the practical implications of the topic.

    sandra borges

    • Think of a subject you are actually teaching or have taught before.
    Leadership through English

    • Mention a topic you would like to teach in the English language (CONTENT).
    Sustainable Development & World’s Challenge Challenge

    • What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION).
    Sharing thoughts about WCC Finalists.
    Presenting their WCC Presentation

    • What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION)
    Connecting the SDGs to their discipline/future discipline/field of work.
    Identifying three top goals that are most relevant to them and their studies/work.
    Completing a WCC Vocabulary List

    • What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)?
    Connecting the topic of the lesson to their realities and considering ways to implementing the ideas they had in class to their communities.


    A subject that I have taught before is Global Competencies in Higher Education Context.
    The topic that I would like to focus on in this lesson is perspective-taking in cross-cultural interactions.
    What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION). Asking questions about other cultures and opinions to develop perspective-taking skills and using empathetic language when sharing opinions in cross-cultural contexts.
    What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION) Students are expected to reflect on their behavior and identify their unconscious biases
    What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)? Use the strategies they learn in class and apply them in real life by actively getting to know people with different backgrounds from theirs


    I teach nursery, one of the topics I wanna teach in English is “sexual and reproductive rights”. (CONTENT).
    This content would be in English, with a basic level, one goal is student can have a basic comunication with a foreign person and try to explain her/him the principal idea.


    The subject of the teaching will be: A methodology course. The name of the topic I would like to teach in English will be: Justification and problem statement.


    I teach marketing and business, at the postgraduate level. It is important to raise the level of English and vocabulary to be able to teach my classes more safely. I have already taught but I need to increase my fluency and vocabulary, everything we have learned in the course is being extremely useful to design the courses.


    Commerce !
    Marketing segmentation.
    Vocabulary related to types of people, customers.
    Ss need to learn how to classify information and make mind maps.
    Ss try to identify what segment they belong to. And what kind of consumers they would like to be.


    In the Catholic University of Manizales I am a teacher of Management tourism business, I am teaching a class named Tourism Geography. A of the topics is Colombian Geography. In this topic the contents is about the different places to have tourism and what are their physical characteristics.
    Communication is so important to have vocabulary about geography like rivers, mountains, city, weather, etc.

    In this topic it is necessary that the students identify the different tourism places in Colombia and what are their principal physical characteristics.

    All these tourist places have cultural characteristics like the Paisa Cultural Cafetero with coffee or like Caribe with their seafood.

    Claudia Fraga

    Claudia Fraga

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