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    The first part of question about what strategies use, in my case the reading activity is very common, but in english its neccesary use short documents and with a less level of especifically topics, to assure the students can read it and understand it. The second part, about how engage, the answer is direct questions, or dialogues, but in this case, is neccesary use the writted language because according the level, experience, pronunciation could be different or confuse, then, its possible that present good ideas, but his partners dont understand it by his accent pronunciation, in this case, use the writted language could work. Finally, for production and reflection is possible use oral expositions, but for bring more ensurance, is posible use some tecnological tools, for example podcasts or videos.


    1. What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    First I need to identify the level of English that students have. Then I make pairs or groups, mixing students with high and low level, fostering collaborative group work.

    2. Will it be different in English? Why?
    The activities will be different in English because the language itself makes it a little difficult for students to understand and express their ideas.

    3. How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I usually start with an topic-related game so that students can interact with each other.

    4. How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    I try to use as many visual aids as possible to make the content clear and easy to understand. Also, I aim to enhance students participation by indivual questions or group discussions.

    5. What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    I expect student to reflect their understanding of the topics learnt in class by applying them in real contexts.

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    All the elements of ESA


    1. What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    I use a weekly seminar, it is a reading activity previous to our class, then during the class we all discuss about gernal topic, objetctives, conclusions and perspectives. This activity provides and insight about time management and critical thinking.

    2. Will it be different in English? Why?
    Perhaps due to the level of English that the students have, we need to use a shorter document with a clear and concise topic, with visual aids, drawings and sketches.

    3.How do you usually engage your students in class?
    First of all, I used a icebreaker such as a drawing activity or I asked some questions about their week, activities, or spare time, that make easier and more relax the begining of the class. During the class, when the topic perhaps is heavier in content or more complex, I try yo put a study case based on my experience, i told the class what I did and why I solve the problem, what problem solving technique I used and how they can find a strategy to do so.

    4.How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    The way I see it, I will used a visual aid as a resource in which groups participate creating a very early proposal. Brainstorming and drawing is the creative way in which a designer express concepts, previous knowledge and problem solving.

    5. What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    In terms of prodcution they expect to do a lot of technical drawings, producing digital content sucha as audios or videos, reflecting their work in real projects for real users or clients, that means that they will always be feasible to build. The result is always a reflection of the kind of proffesional they want to be. At the end the will make a self assessment of the objevtives and competences adquired.

    6. What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    For me, all EMI elements are important, it depends of the complexity of the topic and the level of English within the group, for me technology is a must for engaging students in any activity, in a creative and innovative way, it is a common ground we need to explore in more detail within our course.


    •What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    To promote effective study time first is necessary to identify the student’s interest and skills, usually it’s better to work in pairs or groups so students can exchange ideas, in this is important to mix them. I found that reading activities are boring for students, but also huge presentations, so I try to mix both activities

    •Will it be different in English? Why?
    Yes, they will be different because of the language, sometimes even in the native language for students it’s difficult to express themselves or understand concepts, in a foreign one it could be harder.

    •How do you usually engage your students in class?
    Usually, I start talking with them about their day or what they did in the other classes, just to connect, then I expose the topic and start to link it to the thins they review in the other classes or during their day, so they have the opportunity to talk

    •How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    In this case, I will add to my strategy more games and more opportunities to let them talk, I think the most important is to have an interactive class

    •What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Well, as it is architecture, they must be able to develop an architecture project where they collect and evidence the knowledge acquired in class

    •What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    All the elements are important. Nevertheless I think strategies to keep them engage, so they can prove themselves


    – What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    Honestly I don’t promote effective study time in my class, I promote it outside of class and sometimes I give supplementary material.
    -Will it be different in English? Why?
    Because the level of English can be a disadvantage. Then the message must be very direct, clear and concise.
    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I usually ask open questions for everyone to participate and I use different gamification tools.
    -How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    I agree with colleagues I try to use as many visual aids as possible to make the content clear .
    -What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    I hope you reflect on the problems we solve, the calculation process, and how it applies to real life.
    -What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    Sometimes the courses are very theoretical or have many calculation problems, so I try to connect them with real life and use all the tools as possible, especially gamification and game-based learning.


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    I like bringing different types of activities so that they can reinforce and practice the content. These activities should try to apply to different learning styles for them to feel comfortable, but also challenged.

    Will it be different in English? Why?
    Nope. I’m an English teacher, so my classes are already in English.

    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    Depending on the previous class, it can all be different. Sometimes, it can be an activity that connects the previous class to the current one. Other times, I like posing some questions that connects the class topic to students’ lives.

    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    My class is an EMI class. However, this unit was nice in terms of the theoretical concepts. I think that being aware of the theoretical concepts help to create a more solid lesson planning.

    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    It depends on the class topic. It can vary from a written text (also varying from a simple paragraph to essays, depending on the students’ level and final outcome) to an oral activity.

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    I think it’s important to find how the different stages in ESA can be switched considering students’ needs, class topics and class environment.

    Juan Carlos Martin

    Hi. When I am in class with the students, something that I practice usually is develop critical thinking. Every time we write, read, talk, and do different english lessons, I ask them, what they think about the activity we done.


    – What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    To promote effective study time in my classes, I usually let the students participate actively in class, interacting with them. I try to leave them activities to apply the knowledge they have learned.

    – Will it be different in English? Why?
    I think that in English it’ll be so much different. Firstly, because it’s not my native language, secondly it’s not the native language of my students and most of them don’t have a good level of English, so this is an important limitation in the EMI process.

    – How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I always show them the importance of the topic that I’m going to teach for the practice of the profession and try to show them examples of the application of the topics in real life.

    – How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    In my EMI classroom, I’ll show my students the importance of English in their careers, I’ll use easy vocabulary keeping in mind their level of English and use tools that make the learning process easier.

    – What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and
    My students would expect activities that rehersal all the topics that we see in the classroom like oral activities, debates, and other similar activities.

    – What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    I’d use all the elements from the previous sections studied. I consider all of them important in the process of using the English Language as a medium of instruction. However, I’d consider with more emphasis the engagement stage because I think the success of the whole process depends on the initial stage.


    • What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    First of all we share readings and we clarify unknown vocabulary that will be useful during the lessons. I clarify the activity steps to follow and then I present examples because I want they will study according their pace.
    If they found problems, they would ask for help or instructions to solve them.
    Finally, I consider some tips to improve their multitasking skills.

    • Will it be different in English? Why?
    Most of the classes are already in English as a second language so they will be the same.

    • How do you usually engage your students in class?
    Nowadays, my students respond very effectively to competition games, so I divided the group by boys and girls or by lines or by students codes just to create teams to compete in a contest or solve some puzzle with introductory facts about the upcoming content of future lessons.

    • How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    As I mentioned previously I already bring lessons in L2. I just take an extra tutoring time with learners who have not a proficiency English level and support them with extra explanations and material.

    • What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Students have to analyze the material, work on it carry out the proposed goals of the lessons and deduce the basic use of the lessons to do a practical experience of it in several ways.

    • What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    From Engage Stage: To research, find, select and design relevant content.
    From the Study Stage: Release to students what is expected from them. Also, present the information; provide it in the smoothest way possible.
    From Active Stage: To pay attention to what they can do well, what they are interested in, and also to who they are.

    Doris Michel

    1.- What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    I usually use readings or videos prior to the lesson so that the students review them and later they can share their points of view in groups and build in a group way the previous knowledge to achieve the indicated objectives.
    2.- Will it be different in Spanish? Why?
    Definitely yes, since I will have to know in the first place the level of English that on average the students handle to then look for the appropriate material that allows to carry out this type of activities.
    3.- How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I like to share with them brief professional experiences in the field, so I seek to have their interest and that they realize the importance and usefulness for their professional training. In the same way, I make practical cases so that they analyze, identify the tools and solve the problems from the point of view of the specialist.
    4.- How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    Probably, the approach of the experiences as well as the cases to be solved, would be raised from the client or user rather than from the specialist.
    5.- What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Identify the legal norm that allows them to resolve the cases raised, as well as analyze the current problems that at some point accommodate reform projects in the legal field.
    6- What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    All of them are very important, I think that if we put them all into practice, it will undoubtedly be a successful course.


    1. What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    Sometimes I do smalls groups to read and analyze a paper or resume about nutrition therapy and ask them to share the highlights of the text or do an oral presentation.
    2. Will it be different in English? Why?
    Yes, I will try to make it easier way to point the information by using fewer vocal resources and use more visual helps or even use videos or other vias to express their ideas.
    3. How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I usually start by refreshing the main previous ideas or latest topic and sometimes by given and introduction of the subject by sharing a video.
    4. How will you engage them differently in your Emi classroom?
    I will encourage them to use more resources like brain maps, videos, podcasts, to do a vocabulary list of all unfamiliar words or terms.
    5. What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Students should apply the subject by solving a clinical case, or by given nutritional advice according to the topic, clinical situation, or real-life patient’s needs.
    6. What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    After set the context – giving them time to read or watch the topic, or to do reading and note – taking, I will especially try to use case resolving and practical use so they can give proper nutritional advice – they will think and create and reflects their opinion or knowledge on the main subject.


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    Gamificatión, Readings, team work and videos. maybe invite some international people to talk with them in english as well so they can be more motivated.
    Will it be different in English? Why? I think just at the beginnig, when I was learning english my theacher said think in english do not translate so as the class advance I think could be almost the same. meanings, words are the same just translate.
    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    Team work, videos, debates,
    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    More visual aids, and conversations so they lost fear about speaking in english
    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Learn new topics without homework , I will try LOL! Real cases, how to solve issues, action, learn how they will applied in the real life.
    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course
    I think all ESA is importan and in the order that is post.


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class? I start with a weekly news related to the topic of the week, that makes students start involving in the topic with new information.
    Will it be different in English? Yes Why? They need to now the language,but not only the language, the key business words to start getting involved with business terms in english.
    How do you usually engage your students in class? I engage them by using many visual aids, I use a lot of pictures, advertisments, some videos and we usually try to make some games such as scrabble and other activities.
    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom? Make them think in english, within the whole class not letting them translate or talk in spanish.
    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection? A report of an actual case, questioning themselves about the case, the ways to solve the situation in a company.
    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course? Original and creative presentations, video recordings, podcasts, proposals, among others.


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?: I always ask questions about the topic we’re talking about, how they can relate it to previous topics and how they can relate that with advertising.

    Will it be different in English? Why?: At first I think it will be differente because of the topics. In Spanish yoy know they can analyze anu topic, even if they’re not to familiarized with it, but in English I think it’s very important to look for easier topics so students can feel more comfortable.

    How do you usually engage your students in class?: I like to bring to class vey updated contents. In advertising everything changes very fast and all tha happens in the world can be analyzed from a communication perspective, so I bring news, advertising campaignes, political issues and ask for theirs perspective of them. That way we stars really intersting conversations in the classroom.

    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?: I think would do the same. As I said before, maybe with easier contents, but I think the strategy would be the same. Also I can use some tools if they don’t feel comfortable talking, for example, use online boards like Padlet or Jamboard, that way, they can write instead of speaking.

    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?: The always have to do an activity in which the show they understood the topic; they apply what we talked about. And we ussually do it taking an actual situation.

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?: In general the ESA aproach is great. And at the end seeing that we have some freedom to change the order gives me more ideas, because I think it’s important to make some mistakes or beeing in constant improving, so when you have different paths, I think that works better.


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    Readings and short videos, to contextualize the student

    Will it be different in English? Why?
    Because the resources must be carefully selected, so as not to saturate the student.

    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    Presenting them with an activity that encourages them. It can be a brainstorm, a word search, a crossword puzzle, the interpretation of a short video.

    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    With the activities mentioned above. Because I have already started work with EMI

    What are your students normally expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    That they adequately interpret the texts and place them in context. That they work autonomously, without depending on the teacher’s approval on each activity they carry out. Make decisions with autonomy and responsibility.

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    The three stages of ESA. They are fundamental to this approach.


    ¡¡¡Hi, everybody!!!

    ¿What strategies do I use to promote effective study time in my class?
    A/ The content of my class must be interesting enought to promote the students to be reflect and active. The most interesting class because its content and its relevant topics.
    ¿How do I usually engage my students in class?
    A/ As I said befores, in my class I always try to promote and keep my students being active while learning about special cases. My students must think and create.
    ¿How will I engage them differently in my EMI classroom?
    A/ I will engage them in a such manner that they can do by themselves all what they need to do in a colaborative and individualy way. The must important is learning for their own life and do the best forsociety
    ¿What are my students usually expected to do in my class in terms of production and reflection?
    A/ They usually expect to do new things for their own life. I will try to promote independency and work by objectives
    ¿What elements from the previous sections studied could I use for my EMI course?
    A/ ESA, EAS and AESA.

    Kind regards,

    Ma. Adela,


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    I like to connect my students with my class looking for motivation ans application of the knowledge in real life.

    Will it be different in English? Why?
    No really.

    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    Most of the time with a funny video.

    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    Involving some gamification strategies.

    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    The application of the concepts.

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    Gamification, and I need to involve more the activate stage


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    In spanish I used to let them prepare a new topic, and then we would discuss while in the class
    Will it be different in English? Why?
    Yes, it will be different. Because they are not always fluent in english, and since they are not native speakers, may not be accurate with the final product
    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I always bring to class old knowledge, then relate it with the topic of the class
    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    Using the final product of the course as a target, therefore they will to find the course as a mean to achieve a goal
    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Apply for tests and presentations
    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    Stablish a Final Proyect


    Strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    In spanish I used to let them prepare a new topic, and then we would discuss while in the class
    Will it be different in English? Why?
    Yes, it will be different. Because they are not always fluent in english, and since they are not native speakers, may not be accurate with the final product
    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I always bring to class old knowledge, then relate it with the topic of the class
    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    Using the final product of the course as a target, therefore they will to find the course as a mean to achieve a goal
    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Apply for tests and presentations
    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    Stablish a Final Proyect


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    I like to start with some dinamic like talk about the last session or something about the questions of students, another strategy is talk about the use of the topic (example: the goal of nutrition evaluation), play some kahoot or quizziz can help us to understand and to remember some key topics.

    Will it be different in English? Why?
    I think it can be diferrent in english because it can change the meaning of the words, it is important to focus on the message we want to give in another language

    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I like to propose agreements at the beginning of the classes, where I commit myself as a teacher with the group but also the group adheres to the regulations that have been generated.

    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?

    I consider that I will use some of the strategies that we are reviewing in this course, however the essence of the commitment will continue to be the same.

    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    In my subjects, students seek to apply their knowledge in health sciences in a practical way, they seek to produce knowledge and research that promotes health in their patients. They want to know how to give adequate treatment to people who want special nutrition.

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    I consider that I can use elements such as establishing and maintaining clear objectives, connecting the previous lessons, planning a final activity of the course where the knowledge learned can be evaluated, continuing with gamification to increase the motivation of the students.




    Strategies for effective study time promotion: Active learning methods, clear objectives, periodic assessments, and providing resources for self-study.
    Difference in English: Yes, the language of instruction may require additional support for English language learners, such as bilingual materials or simplified explanations.
    Engaging students: Discussions, group activities, multimedia resources, and real-world examples.
    Engaging in EMI classroom: Emphasize language development through English-rich content, use visual aids, and encourage collaborative projects that promote language use.
    Student expectations: Active participation, critical thinking, problem-solving, and reflective assignments.
    Elements for EMI course: English language support materials, language immersion activities, and cross-cultural content to enhance language skills.

    sandra borges

    I usually prepare content that will be relevant to students and also activities that can promote some kind of collaboration among them. I think that in English things change because we have to think about content and language and how to integrate them in the activities that we are proposing in our classes. I usually engage my students by preparing some questions related to the topic that we will be discussing, I also like to do some ‘think – pair – share’ activities to activate their schemata and promote critical thinking from the beginning. They usually have to present their discoveries, sometimes in formal, but also in informal presentations, I like to ask them to create posters and use their creativity to share with their classmates what they’ve learned in our classes. I usually prepare some ‘exit tickets’ to promote some reflection. I really like the idea of ESA, and I liked the concept of AESA, I’ll certainly try to use it in the near future.

    sandra borges

    I usually prepare content that will be relevant to students and activities that can promote collaboration among them. I think that things in English change because we have to think about content and language and how to integrate them in the activities we propose in our classes. I usually engage my students by preparing some questions related to the topic that we will be discussing, I also like to do some ‘think – pair – share’ activities to activate their schemata and promote critical thinking from the beginning. They usually have to present their discoveries, sometimes in formal, but also in informal presentations, I like to ask them to create posters and use their creativity to share with their classmates what they’ve learned in our classes. I usually prepare some ‘exit tickets’ to promote some reflection. I really like the idea of ESA, and I liked the concept of AESA, I’ll certainly try to use it in the near future.


    In my class each student prepares scientific papers and makes scientific presentations on the progress of their work associated with the doctoral thesis. The students receive feedback from the classmates, from the guest lecturers and from the course professor, in this case me.
    When they do the presentation and written document in English they require more time. They elaborate the article and the presentation according to a checklist, one week before the session in which they are going to present the preliminary version, they send it for suggestions. Then they make a presentation only with the classmates and the teacher, in this case me.
    The students receive feedback, make suggestions for adjustments in terms of form and oral and written content, adjust the presentation and resubmit it, the class peers ant the teacher again makes suggestions. Finally, the students make the necessary adjustments and make the final presentation to the invited experts, one of whom is a foreign professor who speaks English.
    Students are engaged in my class because from the beginning it is presented to them that the course aims to contribute to strengthen the quality of at least one study associated with the doctoral thesis or the complete proposal, depending on the personal interest of each student. They are offered the opportunity to present papers and make presentations before expert professors who ask them questions and make recommendations to strengthen their theoretical and methodological mastery, as well as to strengthen their synthesis and argumentation skills, both written and oral, for the presentation of at least one proposal or final study report associated to the doctoral dissertation or for the defense of the dissertation.
    Based on the elements presented in this unit, it seemed interesting and feasible for my class to include sustainable development objectives, to know the level of expression in English that each student has in order to encourage that regardless of their level of English, they can orally express their comments and recommendations to their classmates; as well as to structure the class session in different sequences taking into account: commitment-study-activity.


    To promote effective study time, I incorporate active learning strategies, such as interactive discussions, problem-solving activities, and group projects. I provide clear learning objectives and resources for self-study, and I encourage students to use technology for research and exploration.
    In class, I engage students through various means, including open-ended questions, multimedia presentations, and hands-on activities. I also encourage peer-to-peer interaction and critical thinking by fostering a collaborative learning environment.
    In an EMI classroom, I would integrate language development activities within subject matter instruction. I try to involve topics that are not totally new, or start the lesson focusing on their previous knowledge.
    In my class, students are expected to actively participate in discussions, demonstrate problem-solving skills through projects, and reflect on their learning progress. They are encouraged to articulate their thoughts and engage in self-assessment to enhance their metacognitive skills.
    Elements from previous sections, such as technology integration, personalized learning, and global awareness, could be applied to an EMI course. Additionally, the emphasis on language development and cultural competence would be crucial in fostering effective communication and understanding in a diverse, multilingual classroom.


    On the engage stage, I usually connect to previous lesson by asking some of them to remember and even explain some of the topics seen before. I also try to make them understand that we will build new knowledge from it.
    On an EMI classroom, I definitively will start off with short games.
    It depends on the topic, but my students usually expect to reflect on how the topic we are talking about affects their own lives and the lives of the people around them. In some cases, they expect to write an article.

    Claudia Fraga

    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    I often use problem-solving activities in groups and then a discussion session with feedback. I use brainstorm and pop quizzes.
    Will it be different in English? Why? I’m already having a EMI course so I had to change some activities and to give the students more support with the vocabulary, I relay more in brainstorming that in problem-solving by themselves but definitely I keep my methodology of working in peers to solve a clinical case.

    How do you usually engage your students in class?

    I start asking questions about the topic we are about to learn, I often do this activity at the beginning of asking 3 questions “what do I know, what do I want to know? and what did I learn” and we finish the class with the last question.

    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?

    I am experiencing that using videos and visual-aids are helping my students to engage better than just writing in their notebook the 3 “W” questions.

    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    Problem-solving of clinical cases that I share with them and at the end of the class we reinforce with feedback

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?

    Definitely emotional validation, rapport, humanism, different learning styles, and more of the “dos” of the ESA and less “don’ts”, I recognize that in my practice I can abuse of some “dont’s” like overuse independency, assuming they’ll know and just ask hem if they got it. I think it is for me really important to work more in the “S” of ESA.


    I start each lesson by outlining clear objectives and expectations for what students will learn during the class. I think this helps students focus on their study goals. I then incorporate active learning techniques, such as group discussions, debates, and hands-on activities, to keep students engaged and encourage them to apply what they’ve learned. It’s also very important to connect language learning to real-life situations, making the content more relevant and motivating for students. I always ask the students to brainstorm where and how they think their learnings from the lesson will help them in real life.
    Multimodal Materials: I use a mix of written, audio, and visual materials to cater to different learning styles and provide a well-rounded language learning experience.
    Peer Interaction: I encourage peer interaction through pair and group work, which promotes collaborative learning and allows students to practice speaking and listening skills.
    Feedback and Reflection: I provide regular feedback on students’ language use and encourage self-reflection. This helps them identify areas for improvement and it gives them a sense of ownership of their learning.
    Technology Integration: I leverage technology, such as language learning apps and online resources, to enhance language practice and provide students with additional study tools.

    Luis Alfonso Osorno

    I utilize active learning methods, clear learning objectives, and effective time management techniques to encourage productive study sessions in my classes. When it comes to English-mediated instruction (EMI), the focus remains on engagement, but the importance of clarity becomes even more pronounced due to potential language barriers. Collaborating with colleagues allows for diverse insights and the refinement of teaching strategies. In my classroom, student engagement is fostered through interactive discussions and activities, and in EMI, additional support may be needed to accommodate language proficiency levels. Students in my class are typically expected to actively participate, generate content, and engage in reflective practices. The preceding sections emphasize the significance of clarity, relevance, and content adaptation, which are particularly crucial in an EMI context for effective communication and comprehension.


    For different strategies used for students, teachers have to comunicate them the clare objectivs. It is very important using a current bibliography and innovative resources. The use of English like a different language shouldnt be a problem and a stress situation. Starting from the level to understand, listening, speaking, is neccesary to design each activity.
    So, engage is the first way to transmite to students an atmosphere of confidentiality and fun. Some ways to engage is through games, challenges or any activity that allows them to participate without fraid to make a mistake.
    Listening the opinion about a topic for me is a good student´s engage. If the class is in other language, the engage´s fase will be directed to enter into trust but leaving confort zone.


    It is very important to design very creative learning activities so that students are engaged and can learn in innovative ways.


    First of all I get to know my SS, their learning types and a little bit of their personalities, some might be knowledgeable but shy, some need more action in class.
    I try to relate the purpose of the course to our every day lives, raise some initial awareness. Brain teaser questions are our favorite.
    I try to use 100,% target language or L2 or L3. A lot of visual support.


    What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
    I usually prepare different activities used tools that provide the class and studients elements to use well the time of the class with attention of the students

    Will it be different in English? Why?
    Yes. I thing is different in english because in english is necessary other tools to engager, study and active with the students, also is important know how prepare and guide a clase in other language.

    How do you usually engage your students in class?
    I engage the students using different dynamics tools related with the topic of the class, for example a game,watch a video, etc.

    How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
    I will use the tools that I have learned in this cours like a padlet, kahoot, etc. Because I consider that the tools give us in the course are so amazing to use in the class and international projects.

    What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and reflection?
    always my students expect to share the different results or production of every partner of the class, because it is so important to see and listen to the task and goals reached for the students.

    What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
    I use the strategy ESA and use the different digital tools for the english tourism classes in a COIL.

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