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  • #26449
    Administrador Mooc


    Which elements of the XXI century teaching regarding the teacher’s role will you take into account when teaching your lessons? Why?


    In my view, PRACTICAL USE is really important because it helps students check and better understand the contents of the class. Besides, a focus on practical use, on the one hand, helps teachers and students think critically about knowledge of the subject. On the other hand, promotes, creativiy in order to put into practice what is being learnt.


    As we deducted from this course the role of the teacher is to be the provider of opportunities for the students to build capacities, in that case first of all, it is important to understand the particular needs of the group, know the students and their skills is the starting point to be able to design a class. I think if we as teachers understand this, we are going to be able to teach our students to dream, and MOTIVATE them to find the answer to all the questions they will have, to encourage in them the desire to learn


    I think is very important involve the students in the teaching-learning proccess. They are as important as we as teachers. Leting them know why we want them to read someting or to do something and how that will help them to improve their knowledge and comprehension of something. Invites them to reflect about what’s happeing in the world in order to realise they are citizens of the world.


    According to previous topics and parners comments, some important elements are creativity, global thinking and multi learning estrategies according to students interests and capabilities. Then, if we have some topis to learn, is important recognice the use of this knowledge, this is an creative engage between the knowledge and its use, this reflection demand a global comprehension over what kind of troubles will been solved or what context requires its application, finnally, as a teacher, its important to provide information and reflection using different forms according the learning demands, interests and capabiliies.


    In my case, I’d try or consider being a motivator as the first action or step. I’ve always been teaching to motivate my students to achieve their goals.
    As a second action, I’d teach students to apply all the knowledge they learn or acquire. I consider that the students should be more analytical and think more about the problems they have to solve with the knowledge they receive. The more they analyze for problem’s solutions, the better they will understand their role in society.


    In my point of view it becomes important to understand that learning is more than memorizing concepts, students should understand the importance of practica some of the concepts in order to generate true learning. The role of the teacher changing as generations change, we must not centralize learning in the teacher but make him an important part as a facilitator.


    In my experience as a teacher, I have always developed a teaching methodology to approach my classes, however, it is imperative to consider that every single class and group of students are different and it is neccesary to generate a really strong first impressión. We need, as our colleague Richard mentioned before, to motivate students to reach their full potential, mentally as well as profesionally in a multicultural environment.
    Today as never before, the academic world is saturated with unreliable sources of information and It is our duty to advise and teach students how to search, filter and validate genuine resources with a remarkable reputation, to avoid misuderstandings or inaccuracies.


    In my personal opinion, a methodology that can greatly help meaningful learning is learning based on games and gamification. I am starting to implement it and it works quite well for me.


    It has been my role, for many years, to show students that learning English has to go beyond learning isolated grammar structures and senseless repetition of unconnected language content. In regards to what was presented in this unit, I agree with all the principles shown there. Keeping students engaged by connecting the content of my classes to their own lives; avoiding memorization of content by repetition, while presenting opportunities of memorization that comes from constant use and practice; and, most importantly, showing students how gaining access to the language can open them to a world of knowledge, culture and new opportunities.


    Dear Mooc Mates

    I would like to mention when I teach my lessons, I take into account the real purpose of the lessons and assignments, I design specific material if it is necessary to complete the goal. On one hand, I like when students can work by themselves in the content and can learn though experience. However, it is not possible all the sessions. External and internal factors can appear. So many administration tasks, distractions at the moment of reading or explanations, well used of devices are an effective tool during classes but sometimes they generated chaos, etc. On the other hand, understand this generation and create emphasize is the best way to approach their hearts and minds. Sometimes I consider the want to throw me though the classroom’s window; nevertheless, my teacher’s role will be keep going, be patient and love them.

    Doris Michel

    Motivation. I believe that nowadays it is very important how to awaken the interest of the students so that they focus their attention on the topics to be reviewed and analyzed, since if it is not possible to capture their attention from the first session, it will be difficult to make use of the other tools and skills.

    Alicia Lomeli Acosta

    In my experience, I try to help my students to get involved with the class subject, understand the content trying to give it a practical use or by sharing their experiences of the subject. As we work with food and nutrition everyone has an experience of it and sometimes, they have the opportunity of give examples of their food choices and cooking practices, analyze and share it and also improve their food choices.


    Now a days the class needs to be very motivated, so I would tried to make it dynamic, with cases, music, and comprensive. conversation is very important for them to practice pronunciation and skills and lectures of the subjects adoc.

    it is very difficult to get attention so I could make team works and excersise out of class.


    In my opinion, it is still a challange to know how to teach. I have been in touch with different generations of students and each generation whants to learn in different ways, but I use a lot a strategy based on build your own case, in which the student is involved in generating new knowledge based on a field experience, placing objectives, analyzing information, placing data together and end up with How will they solve the situation or case.


    Well, my subjects are all by technical nature ( I teach backgrounding for animation films), so a great part of this is that I can link everything we see in class to the real world easily, teaching them in englished gives a more focused ambience due that all of the most important contents in animation are actually in english so this create an authentic atmosphere, they´re already used to it and also for me will be waaaay more natural, many knowledge gets lost in translation.


    For me it is important to link the student with the topics of the course, based on recognizing the importance of the course in their professional performance and the contributions it can make to this field of knowledge. I believe that motivation is essential to create bonds of commitment to the course.

    Maria Adela Sanchez Z

    Hi, everybody!!

    The elements of the XXI century used when teaching my lessons are activities where student must create new things and reflect by themselves. I love teaching lessons where they have the opportunity to open their mind and apreciate the universal learning to buld new capacities.
    Because if you will have the opportunity to open your mind and apreciate the universal learning to buld new capacities, then, you would feel fly as a bird and your mind too would opend as big as the teacher would never imagine he would get it.

    Kind regards,

    Ma. Adela.
    Tourist Business Manager Area.
    UCM Manizales.

    Maria Adela Sanchez Z

    Hi, everybody!!!

    The elements of the XXI century used when teaching my lessons are activities where student must create new things and reflect by themselves. I love teaching lessons where they have the opportunity to open their mind and apreciate the universal learning to buld new capacities.
    Because if you will have the opportunity to open your mind and apreciate the universal learning to buld new capacities, then, you would feel fly as a bird and your mind too would opend as big as the teacher would never imagine he would get it.

    Kind regards,

    Ma. Adela.
    Tourist Business Manager Area.
    UCM Manizales.

    Maria Adela Sanchez Z

    ¡¡¡Hi, everybody!!!
    The elements of the XXI century used when teaching my lessons are activities where student must create new things and reflect by themselves. I love teaching lessons where they have the opportunity to open their mind and apreciate the universal learning to buld new capacities.
    Because if you will have the opportunity to open your mind and apreciate the universal learning to buld new capacities, then, you would feel fly as a bird and your mind too would opend as big as the teacher would never imagine he would get it.
    Ma. Adela Sánchez Zuluaga.
    Kind regars,
    Tourist Business Manager Area.
    UCM Manizales.


    I think that is very important: Empathy, motivation, and application of knowlodge and skills.


    Students might be encouraged to develop critical minds and to auto-regulate them selves, since communication has changed the way to approach learning processes, whereas professors are no longer the owner of wisdom


    Students might be encouraged to develop critical minds and to auto-regulate them selves, since communication has changed the way to approach learning processes, whereas professors are no longer the owner of knowledge


    Students might be encouraged to develop critical minds and to auto-regulate them selves, since communication has changed the way to approach learning processes, whereas professors are no longer the owner of knowledge.


    Instead of being the primary source of information, the teacher should act as a facilitator of learning. This means creating an environment where students are encouraged to explore, ask questions, and discover knowledge for themselves. Teachers should guide and support this process.


    Instead of being the primary source of information, the teacher should act as a facilitator of learning. This means creating an environment where students are encouraged to explore, ask questions, and discover knowledge for themselves. Teachers should guide and support this process.


    Facilitator of Learning: Instead of being the primary source of information, the teacher should act as a facilitator of learning. This means creating an environment where students are encouraged to explore, ask questions, and discover knowledge for themselves. Teachers should guide and support this process.
    Adaptability: In today’s rapidly changing world, the teacher needs to be adaptable. This involves staying current with new technologies, teaching methods, and educational trends. It also means being flexible in adjusting lesson plans and approaches based on students’ needs and feedback.


    When I plan the classes I think about the students I have, what they need to understand and develop to qualify their research proposals, or their report of a study since they come to class with a topic they already have chosen and have been working on. Therefore, I make a general but flexible schedule, since some students require less time to strengthen their proposal or report and others more. I use two modalities: academic writing and oral presentations with a checklist, examples of other presentations that have been effective, presentations with the progress of each student, readings on how to build doctoral theses and how to make academic presentations to carry out the defense, as well as specific readings on the topics and methodologies of each work.
    In addition, students must present their work to peers and experts in order to strengthen their competencies for the thesis proposal or defense. They receive feedback from their peers, from the class professor, in this case me, from invited professors of the doctoral program and from experts in the subject and methodology (national and international guests). Every year there are one or two invited experts who are native speakers of the English language, therefore in these cases, I accompany the student for the writing and oral presentation in English. We do at least two trainings prior to the presentation with experts.
    The most advanced students with the support of the professor develop a webinar on the study they have been working on, addressed to the external academic community in the company of one or two national or international guests. However, in seven years, we have only conducted one webinar in English.
    The purpose of the above is to strengthen the students’ communication, written and oral argumentation, analysis and synthesis skills, as well as to improve their thematic and methodological mastery to support their research proposals and for the defense of their doctoral thesis.


    When I plan the classes I think about the students I have, what they need to understand and develop to qualify their research proposals, or their report of a study since they come to class with a topic they already have chosen and have been working on. Therefore, I make a general but flexible schedule, since some students require less time to strengthen their proposal or report and others more. I use two modalities: academic writing and oral presentations with a checklist, examples of other presentations that have been effective, presentations with the progress of each student, readings on how to build doctoral theses and how to make academic presentations to carry out the defense, as well as specific readings on the topics and methodologies of each work.
    In addition, students must present their work to peers and experts in order to strengthen their competencies for the thesis proposal or defense. They receive feedback from their peers, from the class professor, in this case me, from invited professors of the doctoral program and from experts in the subject and methodology (national and international guests). Every year there are one or two invited experts who are native speakers of the English language, therefore in these cases, I accompany the student for the writing and oral presentation in English. We do at least two trainings prior to the presentation with experts.
    The most advanced students with the support of the professor develop a webinar on the study they have been working on, addressed to the external academic community in the company of one or two national or international guests. However, in seven years, we have only conducted one webinar in English.
    The purpose of the above is to strengthen the students’ communication, written and oral argumentation, analysis and synthesis skills, as well as to improve their thematic and methodological mastery to support their research proposals and for the defense of their doctoral thesis.

    sandra borges

    Hi everyone, in my point of view, we should prioritize several key elements that redefine the teacher’s role and XXI century teaching. As the sections mentioned, I believe in acting as a facilitator, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving, integrating technology to enhance engagement, and personalizing learning experiences to cater to diverse needs. By doing so when preparing classes, we can also promote collaboration and global perspectives, and emphasize adaptability. Formative assessment and cultural awareness are also key elements when thinking about teaching. These elements align with the skills and competencies students require to excel in the global world, emphasizing not just knowledge acquisition but also the development of essential life skills.

    sandra borges

    Hi everyone, based on the previous sections and my current experience, I believe that we should prioritize several key elements that redefine the teacher’s role in the XXI century. I like to see us as facilitators, the ones who can bring topics to the class that will foster critical thinking and problem-solving, integrate technology to enhance engagement and personalize learning experiences to cater to diverse needs. We can also promote collaboration and global perspectives through our classes. These elements align with the skills and competencies students require to excel in our global world, emphasizing not just knowledge acquisition but also the development of essential life skills.


    In my case, I try to involved activities, relfexions an topics about environmet problems of the earth, because I considered that this is necesary to the word and the students neep to taake more environmental awareness


    The new digital era has definitively required teachers to take on new roles and what I would like to see myself doing in class is being a facilitator/ moderator who provides opportunities for students to create a network and communicate. Considering that technology now plays an important role in our classes, I would like to also act as a tech steward and weave the networks that give them the opportunity to explore the world. I would like to motivate them to become self-directed learners so that they can create networks and become global citizens.

    Nadezhda Zemlyanskova

    I would love to teach ss to dream effectively, to be critical and fair, to extract the information they need to find the resources the need and to create their own ones.


    I consider that role of the teacher is facilitate different ways to explain and teach. The focus on theaching is the student, for that reason, it is necessary to understand special requirements or abilities form people in order to adapat strategies to teaching. The methodology must encourage students to participate and evidenciate the importance and useful of the knowledge that teacher wishes to teach.


    When teaching lessons, I try to be a facilitator of learning getting to knowledge through questions and problems solving. It’s really important for me to promote active student engagement, critical thinking, and adaptability. Although it is sometimes hard to focus on each student’s learning needs, I try to include very diverse material and activities so that my lessons are adaptable to their differences. I also focus a lot on the skills students need to develop in order to be a global citizen.


    I think that some of the most important responsibilities include understanding my students’ particular needs and respecting their knowledge and capacities. As a journalism teacher, helping them to get the right information and to develop critical thinking skills is a must.


    I think that the that educators should consider when planning and conducting their lessons aspects such as facilitator of learning where the student engage with the content, facilitator of technology information as enhancer of dynamic instructions and adaptability and flexibility about learning styles and needs. By doing so, professors can help students develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Furthermore, it will be important to solve complex problems, to analyze information, to think critically, and apply knowledge to real-world situations.


    Nowadays, students are exposed to a diversity of stressful situations. Therefore, being a motivator to help students keep their interest in the class, becomes relevant. Related to that, teach them how to dream also becomes important, since most of the, possible, solutions have not been invented yet. It is a teacher´s job to remind them dreaming is relevant to imagine new solutions. Also, understanding student´s particular needs and respecting their knowledge and capacities, becomes important elements in the teaching process from the XXI century.

    Claudia Fraga

    I think for me it has to be the development of critical thinking with more practice and less memorization, being a facilitator using different tools like gamification that stimulates motivation of learning, feedback from the facilitator but also from peers of the tasks there are given in order to see other points of view and to take into account different ideas and for sure having tech abilities to apply them into the classroom orientating the students in how to use them properly for their own benefit.

    Luis Alfonso Osorno

    Based on the previous discussions and feedback from colleagues, several crucial elements include fostering creativity, promoting global thinking, and employing multiple learning strategies that align with students’ interests and abilities. Therefore, when we have various topics to teach, it becomes essential to acknowledge not just the acquisition of knowledge but also its creative utilization. This entails a reflective process that necessitates a holistic understanding of the problems to be addressed or the specific contexts in which this knowledge is applicable. Ultimately, as educators, it’s vital to disseminate information and encourage reflection using diverse methods that cater to the specific learning needs, interests, and capacities of our students.


    In the first module I learned about the basic concepts of learning, knowledge, types of communication and teaching methods, the different teaching styles and experience among the participants, the importance of knowing the different types of learning; If you are visual, auditory or kinesthetic, it is very important to creatively design the classes, and that each of us has a way of learning. I also learned the different challenges that teaching experiences in teaching classes, the importance of collaborative work, the universal elements for learning, and the different roles of teachers and students. I found the module very dynamic and fun, very interactive and with teamwork, I learned several tips to be able to apply in my classes


    In the context of a transformative education, use diferent metodology that we were educated is difficult, however, the teacher has to stay in constant learning and this allows a significative learnig, well, the education since constructivism model show me, I am a facilitator and the students are the protagonists.



    Marysol Reynoso

    Now a days, our role as teachers is different than some years ago. We used to be the information source for students and our word was taken as the only answer, but now, we are facilitators. We must help students develop their full potential, motivate them to learn and adquire critical thinking skills so they are able tto use all the information around them in the correct way.

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