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– What strategies do you use to promote effective study time in your class?
To promote effective study time in my classes, I usually let the students participate actively in class, interacting with them. I try to leave them activities to apply the knowledge they have learned.

– Will it be different in English? Why?
I think that in English it’ll be so much different. Firstly, because it’s not my native language, secondly it’s not the native language of my students and most of them don’t have a good level of English, so this is an important limitation in the EMI process.

– How do you usually engage your students in class?
I always show them the importance of the topic that I’m going to teach for the practice of the profession and try to show them examples of the application of the topics in real life.

– How will you engage them differently in your EMI classroom?
In my EMI classroom, I’ll show my students the importance of English in their careers, I’ll use easy vocabulary keeping in mind their level of English and use tools that make the learning process easier.

– What are your students usually expected to do in your class in terms of production and
My students would expect activities that rehersal all the topics that we see in the classroom like oral activities, debates, and other similar activities.

– What elements from the previous sections studied could you use for your EMI course?
I’d use all the elements from the previous sections studied. I consider all of them important in the process of using the English Language as a medium of instruction. However, I’d consider with more emphasis the engagement stage because I think the success of the whole process depends on the initial stage.