Home Foros Global English-mediated ClassRoom Fundation Forum Week 3 GEMCLF Respuesta a: Forum Week 3 GEMCLF

Maria Adela Sanchez Z

¡¡¡Hi, everybody!!!

What digital tools studied in this Module do you think would feel more appropriate for your EMI class at every ESA stage?
A/ Engaging tools like kahoots, padlets, easypolus and mentimeters are some of interesting digital tools for EMI class.
Furthermore, there are study activities like videos, group wor or collaborative work, case studies and mind-mapping.
To conclude this topic, there are some activities tools like projects, debates, essays, problem solving and storytelling. But the tools for the activate stage are padlests, zoom, Google Drive, Moodle and Edmodo. All of tnem, are very important tools to improve your digital tools and the Global English mediated Classroom.

Kind regard,

Ma. Adela Sánchez Zuluaga
Turism Business Administrator
UCM- Manizales