Home Foros Global English-mediated ClassRoom Fundation Forum Week 4 GEMCLF Respuesta a: Forum Week 4 GEMCLF


A subject that I have taught before is Global Competencies in Higher Education Context.
The topic that I would like to focus on in this lesson is perspective-taking in cross-cultural interactions.
What kind of language would your students need to use during the lesson? (COMMUNICATION). Asking questions about other cultures and opinions to develop perspective-taking skills and using empathetic language when sharing opinions in cross-cultural contexts.
What would you expect your students to do with the topic? (COGNITION) Students are expected to reflect on their behavior and identify their unconscious biases
What would you frame the topic within a real-life like situation (CULTURE)? Use the strategies they learn in class and apply them in real life by actively getting to know people with different backgrounds from theirs